Ground Squirrel Control

Ground squirrels are small rodents that are common in many parts of the United States. They can be a nuisance, and in some cases, they can also be destructive.

Identifying a Ground Squirrel Infestation

If you think you have a ground squirrel infestation, there are a few signs you can look for.

Signs of a Ground Squirrel Infestation

  • Droppings: Ground squirrels leave small, dark droppings that are often found in areas where they are active.
  • Eggs: Ground squirrels lay their eggs in underground burrows. If you see small, white eggs in an area where ground squirrels are active, it's a sign of an infestation.
  • Smell: Ground squirrels can have a musky smell that can be noticeable if they are present in large numbers.
  • Hiding places: Ground squirrels like to hide in burrows, under rocks, or in other secluded areas. If you see signs of ground squirrels in these areas, it's a good indication that you have an infestation.

If you see any of these signs, it's a good idea to call a pest control company to inspect your property and determine if you have a ground squirrel infestation.

Ground Squirrel Hiding Places

Ground squirrels are good at hiding, so it's important to know where they like to hide so you can inspect your property for signs of an infestation. Here are some of the most common places where ground squirrels hide:

  • Under rocks or other debris: Ground squirrels like to hide under rocks or other debris because it provides them with a safe place to rest and avoid predators.
  • In cracks or crevices: Ground squirrels can squeeze through very small openings, so they often hide in cracks or crevices in walls, foundations, or other structures.
  • In gardens or flower beds: Ground squirrels like to hide in gardens or flower beds because they provide them with a source of food and shelter.
  • In sheds or garages: Ground squirrels can also find shelter in sheds or garages, especially if there is food or water available.

If you're concerned that you have a ground squirrel infestation, it's important to inspect your property carefully and look for any signs of ground squirrels, such as droppings, eggs, or a musky smell. If you do find signs of an infestation, it's best to call a pest control company to inspect your property and determine the best course of action.

Safe Ground Squirrel Pest Control

Home Remedies for Ground Squirrels

There are a few home remedies that you can try to get rid of ground squirrels. These remedies are not always effective, but they may be worth a try if you're looking for a non-chemical solution.

  • Garlic: Garlic is a natural repellent for ground squirrels. You can place garlic cloves around your home or yard, or you can make a garlic spray by mixing garlic cloves with water in a spray bottle.
  • Cayenne pepper: Cayenne pepper is another natural repellent for ground squirrels. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper around your home or yard, or you can make a cayenne pepper spray by mixing cayenne pepper with water in a spray bottle.
  • Coffee grounds: Coffee grounds are said to deter ground squirrels because they don't like the smell. You can sprinkle coffee grounds around your home or yard, or you can make a coffee grounds spray by mixing coffee grounds with water in a spray bottle.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is a natural cleaner that can also be used as a repellent for ground squirrels. You can mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray it around your home or yard.
  • Citronella oil: Citronella oil is a natural insect repellent that can also be used to deter ground squirrels. You can add a few drops of citronella oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray it around your home or yard.

Natural Remedies for Ground Squirrels

In addition to home remedies, there are a few natural remedies that you can try to get rid of ground squirrels. These remedies are based on the idea of using plants and other natural substances that ground squirrels don't like.

  • Marigolds: Marigolds are said to be a natural repellent for ground squirrels. You can plant marigolds around your home or yard to deter ground squirrels from entering your property.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint is another plant that is said to repel ground squirrels. You can plant peppermint around your home or yard, or you can make a peppermint spray by mixing peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Chili peppers: Chili peppers are a natural repellent for ground squirrels. You can plant chili peppers around your home or yard, or you can make a chili pepper spray by mixing chili pepper powder with water in a spray bottle.
  • Garlic: As mentioned above, garlic is a natural repellent for ground squirrels. You can plant garlic around your home or yard, or you can make a garlic spray by mixing garlic cloves with water in a spray bottle.

It's important to note that these remedies may not be effective for all ground squirrels. If you have a severe ground squirrel infestation, you may need to call a pest control company to get rid of the squirrels.

Ground squirrels are small rodents that can cause a lot of damage to homes and gardens. They are known for their burrowing habits, which can undermine foundations and sidewalks. They also eat a variety of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers. If you have a ground squirrel infestation, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.


The best way to deal with ground squirrels is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Here are a few tips for preventing ground squirrels:

  • Keep your yard free of debris and clutter. This will make it less attractive to ground squirrels as a place to build their burrows.
  • Seal up any holes or cracks in your foundation or exterior walls. Ground squirrels can easily squeeze through small openings, so it's important to seal them up tightly.
  • Trim back tree branches that overhang your home. This will prevent ground squirrels from using the branches as a way to access your roof or attic.
  • Store your garbage in airtight containers. Ground squirrels are attracted to food, so it's important to keep your garbage out of reach.


If you have already been invaded by ground squirrels, there are a few things you can do to control them. Here are a few options:

  • Traps: There are a variety of traps available that can be used to catch ground squirrels. Live traps are the most humane option, as they allow you to release the squirrels away from your home.
  • Poison: Poison baits can be used to kill ground squirrels, but they should be used with caution. Poison can also harm other animals, so it's important to use it only as a last resort.
  • Fumigation: Fumigation is a more drastic option, but it can be effective at killing ground squirrels and their burrows. However, it's important to note that fumigation can also be harmful to other animals and plants, so it should only be used as a last resort.


If you have a severe ground squirrel infestation, you may need to call a professional pest control company. Pest control companies have the experience and equipment to get rid of ground squirrels quickly and effectively.

Natural Remedies

There are also a few natural remedies that you can try to get rid of ground squirrels. Here are a few options:

  • Pepper spray: Pepper spray can be used to deter ground squirrels. Simply spray the pepper spray around your home and garden to keep the squirrels away.
  • Castor oil: Castor oil is another natural repellent that can be used to keep ground squirrels away. Simply pour castor oil around your home and garden to deter the squirrels.
  • Decoys: You can also use decoys to scare ground squirrels away. Place decoys of predators, such as owls or hawks, around your home and garden to keep the squirrels away.

Ground squirrels can be a nuisance and a pest, but there are a number of things you can do to get rid of them. By following the tips above, you can keep your home and garden free of ground squirrels.

Additional Tips

  • If you see a ground squirrel, don't try to catch it yourself. Ground squirrels can be aggressive and bite.
  • If you have pets, keep them away from ground squirrel burrows. Ground squirrels can carry diseases that can be transmitted to pets.
  • Once you have gotten rid of the ground squirrels, take steps to prevent them from coming back. Seal up any holes or cracks in your foundation or exterior walls, and keep your yard free of debris and clutter.
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How to Prevent Ground Squirrels

Ground squirrels are small rodents that can be a nuisance in yards and gardens. They are known for their ability to dig burrows, which can damage lawns and gardens. They can also be destructive to crops, and they can carry diseases.

If you have ground squirrels in your yard, there are a number of things you can do to prevent them from coming back. Here are some tips:

Remove food sources. Ground squirrels are attracted to food, so it's important to remove any potential food sources from your yard. This includes things like birdseed, pet food, and fallen fruit. You should also make sure to keep your trash cans tightly sealed.

Remove shelter. Ground squirrels also like to have shelter, so it's important to remove any potential hiding places from your yard. This includes things like woodpiles, rock piles, and overgrown vegetation. You should also mow your lawn regularly to keep it short.

Install barriers. If you have a serious ground squirrel problem, you may need to install barriers to prevent them from digging into your yard. This could include things like gopher wire, fencing, or concrete barriers.

Use repellents. There are a number of commercial repellents that can be used to deter ground squirrels. These repellents typically contain scents that ground squirrels find unpleasant, such as castor oil or peppermint oil.

Trap and release. If you only have a few ground squirrels, you can try trapping and releasing them. There are a number of different traps available, and you can find them at most hardware stores. Once you have trapped a ground squirrel, release it in an area that is at least 5 miles away from your home.

Kill ground squirrels. If you have a serious ground squirrel problem, you may need to kill them. There are a number of different methods available, including poisoning, shooting, and trapping. However, it's important to note that killing ground squirrels can be illegal in some areas.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent ground squirrels from coming into your yard. This will help to protect your lawn, garden, and crops, and it will also help to keep you and your family safe from diseases.

Here are some additional tips to help you prevent ground squirrels:

  • Inspect your yard regularly for signs of ground squirrel activity. This includes looking for burrows, mounds of dirt, and tracks.
  • Fill in any burrows you find. You can also use a fence or wire mesh to block the entrances to burrows.
  • Keep your yard well-lit. Ground squirrels are less likely to be active in areas that are well-lit.
  • Plant ground squirrel-repelling plants. Some plants that ground squirrels don't like include mint, garlic, and daffodils.
  • Make your yard less attractive to ground squirrels. This includes keeping your yard free of debris and overgrown vegetation.

What Attracts Ground Squirrels

Ground squirrels are small rodents that are common in many parts of the world. They are attracted to food, shelter, and water, and they can be a nuisance in yards and gardens.

Here are some of the things that attract ground squirrels:

  • Food: Ground squirrels are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, insects, and even bird eggs. If you have any of these foods in your yard, it is likely to attract ground squirrels.
  • Shelter: Ground squirrels need shelter to protect themselves from predators and the elements. They will often burrow underground, but they may also take shelter in woodpiles, rock piles, or overgrown vegetation. If you have any of these potential hiding places in your yard, it is likely to attract ground squirrels.
  • Water: Ground squirrels need water to survive. If you have a birdbath or other water source in your yard, it is likely to attract ground squirrels.

In addition to these three things, there are a few other factors that can attract ground squirrels, such as:

  • Light: Ground squirrels are less active in areas that are well-lit. If you have a lot of outdoor lighting in your yard, it is less likely to attract ground squirrels.
  • Noise: Ground squirrels are also less active in areas that are noisy. If you have a lot of traffic or other noise in your yard, it is less likely to attract ground squirrels.

If you want to prevent ground squirrels from coming into your yard, it is important to remove or reduce the availability of theseattractants. This includes removing food sources, providing adequate shelter, and making sure that your yard is well-lit and not too noisy.

Here are some additional tips to help you prevent ground squirrels:

  • Inspect your yard regularly for signs of ground squirrel activity. This includes looking for burrows, mounds of dirt, and tracks.
  • Fill in any burrows you find. You can also use a fence or wire mesh to block the entrances to burrows.
  • Keep your yard free of debris and overgrown vegetation. This will make it less attractive to ground squirrels.
  • Plant ground squirrel-repelling plants. Some plants that ground squirrels don't like include mint, garlic, and daffodils.

FAQs About Ground Squirrels

Where do ground squirrels live?

Ground squirrels are found all over the world, in a variety of habitats. They are most common in open areas, such as grasslands, meadows, and forests.

What are the predators of ground squirrels?

Ground squirrels are preyed upon by a variety of animals, including foxes, coyotes, hawks, owls, and snakes. They are also susceptible to diseases, such as mange and rabies.

What are the behaviors of ground squirrels?

Ground squirrels are active during the day and spend most of their time foraging for food. They are also social animals and live in colonies. Ground squirrels are known for their alarm calls, which they use to warn other squirrels of danger.

What diseases do they carry? 

Here are some of the diseases that ground squirrels can carry:

  • Bubonic plague is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected flea. Symptoms include fever, headache, chills, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, plague can be fatal.
  • Tularemia is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals or their tissues. Symptoms include fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Tularemia can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms include fever, headache, rash, and muscle aches. Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Rat bite fever is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected rat. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and rash. Rat bite fever can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Chagas disease is a parasitic infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected kissing bug. Symptoms can be mild or severe, and may include fever, headache, rash, muscle aches, and fatigue. Chagas disease can be treated with medication, but there is no cure.

What are some interesting facts about ground squirrels?

  • Ground squirrels are very social animals and live in colonies.
  • Some ground squirrels can climb trees.
  • Ground squirrels can store food in their burrows for the winter.
  • Ground squirrels can run very fast.
  • Ground squirrels can see in color.

What are the signs of ground squirrels infestation?

Some signs of ground squirrel infestations:

  • Holes in the ground. Ground squirrels create exposed, open tunnels with mounds of discarded dirt around the entrance.
  • Destroyed plants or bulbs. Ground squirrels will eat the bulbs of plants, as well as the leaves and stems. This can lead to the death of plants.
  • Patchy grass. Ground squirrels will dig up the ground in search of food, which can leave patches of bare soil.
  • Squirrel sightings. If you see ground squirrels in your yard or garden, it is a good indication that there is an infestation.
  • Chew marks. Ground squirrels will chew on wires, pipes, and other materials. This can cause damage to your property.
  • Noises. Ground squirrels can be noisy, especially at night. You may hear them digging, chattering, or squeaking.
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